aimie's pages

'' ♥ ♥ ------------The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh :D . Crying gives me a headache -.- ------------♥ ♥ ''


Helohelo ! Welcom to my site.Hope you enjoy reading my blog and thanks for visiting . Newayy,I'm new in the blogging section. Hope you can give some guidance to me. I really really appreciate it and if you think that my blog is interesting ( erkk -,- cehh ! tralalal ~) , just click the 'FOLOW' button kayy . Hee ~ Thankyouu =) *sorry if my blog is sometimes a little bit ridiculous . Hihi .

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Hey peeps and all the manusia ! k harini hari paling bangang + sial + whatsoever lha kann bg aku (aku tahu skrg bulan Ramadhan) -.- Nk tahu kenapa ? Aku kena bantai guna hanger dengan ADIK AKU YANG BERUMUR 7 TAHUN . believe it or not its up to you lha . aku mulamula pun tk sangka gak enn .. Sumpah sakit gila babeng aku cakap , dia punya bantai setanding dgn ayah aku punya .. For the first time weh kena bantai teruk dgn ADIK sendiri . hanger hmpir kena mata aku >< pada mulanya dia campak bantal kat aku .. Motif ? dy bantai aku sbb aku tk kasi dia pergi main kt futsal . WHAT THE FUCK rite ? aku jujur laa eh , aku mmg rasa nk lempang dia tdi tp air mata aku dh keluar dulu dah -..- heh ! *akusensitivedengantengkinganandbantaianorjeritandanapa2jelah*.. aku terus masuk bilik , aku campak segala barang dia termasuk adik second aku (yg tk terlibat sbnrnye) yg ade dlm bilik tu . Sumpah terasa koranggg ! kalau boleh aku nk mencaruttt gila BABI kt sini tahuuu . aku bukan nk batakk cerita lh kan tp aku dh tkde tmpat nk share :( ibu n ayah time tu tkda kt rumahh :'( hih ! rasa nk lari rumah skrg nie tau ! grr. klah tu je kud nk cakap .. kalau menyampah ,korg persetankan je post nie :\  KBYE ! (sorry if dh over mencarut kt sini ) *THIS IS NOT NOR AIMIE AIDA CHE NORDIN okay !

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