aimie's pages

'' ♥ ♥ ------------The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh :D . Crying gives me a headache -.- ------------♥ ♥ ''


Helohelo ! Welcom to my site.Hope you enjoy reading my blog and thanks for visiting . Newayy,I'm new in the blogging section. Hope you can give some guidance to me. I really really appreciate it and if you think that my blog is interesting ( erkk -,- cehh ! tralalal ~) , just click the 'FOLOW' button kayy . Hee ~ Thankyouu =) *sorry if my blog is sometimes a little bit ridiculous . Hihi .

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Missie Themie :'(

Salam and hello korng ! Argh , rindu kau blogger :D K first of all nk cakap Selamat berpuasa kpada seluuuuuruh umat Islam and today dh masuk puasa yg ke2 anddddd setakat nie aku tkde yg tinggal lg .Woohoo ! congrat too me :) . Hee , okay straight to da point yeh , sepertimna yg korang tahu title diatas iaitu ' Missie Themie' or dgn prkataan sbnrnye ialah Miss Them . Tujuan aku menaip tajuk tu adlh sbb barubaru nie ade dua orang classmate aku , iaitu Fazmeer and Azib tlah brpindah ke sekolah VI (Victoria Institution). K sure korang tahu kan sekolah tu -.- Honestly , walaupun baru 2 hari tk jumpa dorang but aku rasa rindu gila lha ! mcm dua bulan tk jumpa ^^ Especially, Azib .. Rinduu dengan fool jokes dia yg selalu bd 1GM ceria and whatever lh kan and Fazmeer dgn voice dia yg selalu memecah hening kelas GM *persengalkan ayat aku tu* Ecehh ! hihi . But betul korang , aku dlm kelas semalm agk moody lha jugak but tkdelh smpai terserlah en and today agk better lh cuma time Science td agk bosan sbb tkde 'Prime Ministre' yg nk laungkan perkataan nie  #1 MALAYSIA !  Nie selalunya kerja si dia , tk lain & tk bukan Azib Zabid lah ;DD hihokk . Okay rasa mmg teringin nk jumpa dorg n dengar story psl sekolah baru dorg tu but terpaksa tunggu time raya nnti lha -.- tk lama kan  ~ pffft . Aku just ade beberapa bulan je lg dgn dorang nie , itupun kalau dorang balik lha >,< sebb bulan 10,11 cmtu ak dh nk pindah dahh :'( Haihh ! Ape punya life lha kann . Grr ! that's all kbye ! *story agk tergantung :) heheheh

This is Fazmeer  ..

and this is Azib *picture time kecik2 xD

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