aimie's pages

'' ♥ ♥ ------------The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh :D . Crying gives me a headache -.- ------------♥ ♥ ''


Helohelo ! Welcom to my site.Hope you enjoy reading my blog and thanks for visiting . Newayy,I'm new in the blogging section. Hope you can give some guidance to me. I really really appreciate it and if you think that my blog is interesting ( erkk -,- cehh ! tralalal ~) , just click the 'FOLOW' button kayy . Hee ~ Thankyouu =) *sorry if my blog is sometimes a little bit ridiculous . Hihi .

Friday, August 5, 2011


Oh yeahh ! Hello peeps ;D sihat ? dh makan ? tadi berbuka makan ape ? K nk tahu , Harini aku berbuka makan ayam masak lemak cili api o.0 nyummm ! one of my favourite food . Thanks mum for the dishes ! :) haha . Berbalik kepada title diatas , FIGHT FOR PEACE ! okay mesti korang dh dpt detect story dia kan .. ohoh ! k ujian setara 2 dah pun tamat and seriously soalan dia. SUSAH TAHAP GABAN TAHU ! =..=  mcm soalan PMR pun ade gakk esspecially kertas BM and GEO -.- Tapi takpee , perang dh tamat n skrg semua just buad (Y) PEACE ! jehh ;D lupakan soalan , exam paper,pen n whatsoever yg berkaitan dgn sch . Hee . Okay dh habis dh cerita psl FIGHT FOR PEACE ! ( pendek je ,mls nk tye pnjg2 :p) Kayy , next story :D sblum tu nk ckap harini aku dtang awal k sekolah !  Woott >< for the SECOND time dlm tahun nie *yes ! aku always dtg lmbat dn rasanya prefect yg jaga pintu blkang sekolah tu pun dh boleh cam n hafal nama aku ^^* . xD u believe or not , kisah ape aku -.- hihokk chill babe , kidding ;) K pagi tadi tyme assembly , cikgu ade sebut pasal satu competition nie , iaitu competition making video for merdeka tk silap -.- heh ! aku pun dh lupaa .. pada mulanya aku mmg excited ah nk join en but tkde geng lh pulak so aku pun cmpk jelah angan2 aku tu kt longkang tepi tmpt aku beratur tu xD and then , tyme dlm kelas pulak Aliah and Nurin tibatiba ajk aku join competition nie . Aku pun rasa '' Oh serious nk masuk ?? '' --' haha . Aku pun just ckp '' Tak kisah , ikut korang ah :) '' ye aku nie jenis yg mls nk fikir pnjg so decide jelah . hihi . then aku pun ajk lha aisyah untuk mencukupkan ahli sbb syarat prtndingn tu kena ade 4 org . Kay lepastuuuu , kitorg pun start lh cari idea n port2 for 'video shoot' . Macam2 tempat ade , tugu negara lha,zoo negara lha n blabla . HAHA semangat ohh dorg smpai terlupa nk ambil borang . BHAHAHA ! baru ingt 5 minute yg lepas .. Ngeh ! -.- Okaylha mls nk smbung lagi . Hope ape yg dirancang , menjadi lh lepas nie ye . K smapi sini je post aku harini . Byebye peeps and goodnight ! ;D

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