aimie's pages

'' ♥ ♥ ------------The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh :D . Crying gives me a headache -.- ------------♥ ♥ ''


Helohelo ! Welcom to my site.Hope you enjoy reading my blog and thanks for visiting . Newayy,I'm new in the blogging section. Hope you can give some guidance to me. I really really appreciate it and if you think that my blog is interesting ( erkk -,- cehh ! tralalal ~) , just click the 'FOLOW' button kayy . Hee ~ Thankyouu =) *sorry if my blog is sometimes a little bit ridiculous . Hihi .

Friday, May 13, 2011

Musuh bertopeng 'KAWAN'

Okayy , straight to the point  YEHH ! :D  This year , 2011 ,  Stalker stalker majuu . Kiranya boleh dikategorikan sebagai stalker yg berjayaa lh.. Eh apa yg aku merepek nie ? -,- Okayy aku pun actually tk faham ape yg aku type .. :) tadi syauqi ade bg tau something kat akuu pasal ade someone nie comment pasal akuu . Identitinya tak dpt dikenal pasti tapi yg pasti MY CLASSMATE .. selalunya yg suka comment -mengoment org nie girls rite ? Thihi ..  She said that akuu suka sangat melayan senior senior .. Okay , aku mengaku yg aku memang SELALU layan tapi bukan SUKA layan . Bukanlh nak menggatalkan tapi dah orang tegur cara baik takkn nak buad bodoh je seolah-olah dia tak wujud . Tu namanya TAK BERADAB ye kak .. Sorrylh kalau aku ckp openn mcm nie tapi bukannya aku pegang2 dorgg ,bertepuk tampar macam  yg kau selalu buad , I just hitback like 'helo !' ,that's all . huhu ! the problem is kenapa dorg suka cerita mcm mcm pasal aku kt bestfriend or orang lainn sedangkan dorg punn buad bnde yg sama .. Tak guna jugakk lh .Helehh , mcm aku tak tau pulakk :p Ke korg memang suka aku hilang kawann . Eh tak puas  lagi ke korg rampas semua friend akuu .YA ALLAH ! hmm this is call a lifee .. aku pun tak fahamlh . Ape dosa aku kat diorg sampai nk bukak story macam macam pasal akuu .Ni lh yg dipanggil  KAWAN n CLASSMATE n Ni jugaklah salah seorang daripada stalker yg berjaya n kreatif :) .. Semua benda dia tau pasal akuu , then editt macam macam . Aku tabit korg lah sebb dah buad kawan2 aku percaya kt story korg .. THANKYOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART BABE ! Takpee , teruskann lh benda nie .. lagipunn this is the last year aku  jadi bahan korgg but satu je aku nak pesan, stop talking about other people and stop cursing ..also stopped from opening all sorts of stories .. Please lh , cermin diri korg tu dulu before mengata org macam macam .. kbye ! 

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